Minggu, 08 Juni 2014

business english 2 (softskill) International Trade

Name  : Gandi Gunawan 

Class   : 3EB03
NPM   :23211006

International Trade
International trade is a trade that is carried on by a resident of a country with the population of other countries on the basis of mutual agreement. Population in question can be either an individual (individual to individual), between individuals and the government of a country or a state government with other governments. In many countries, international trade became one of the main factors for the increase of GDP. Although international trade has been going on for thousands of years (see Silk Road, Amber Road), its impact on economic interests, social, political and only felt a few centuries later. International trade also helped propel industrialization, transportation advances, globalization, and the presence of multinational companies.

Theory of International Trade

Model Adam Smith
Adam Smith's model focuses on the absolute advantage states that a country will gain an absolute advantage because the country is able to produce goods at a lower cost than other countries. According to this theory if the price of the goods with the same type do not have differences in many countries there is no reason to conduct international trade.

Ricardian Model
The Ricardian model focuses on comparative advantage and perhaps the most important concept in international trade theory. In a Ricardian models, countries specialize in producing what they are best production. Unlike other models, this model predicts the framework in which countries will become full specialist producing a variety of goods than commodities. Also, the model does not directly incorporate Ricardian supporting factors, such as the relative amounts of labor and capital in the country.

Heckscher-Ohlin model
Heckscher-Ohlin model is created as an alternative to the Ricardian model of comparative advantage and the base. Putting aside the complexity is much more complicated model does not prove more accurate predictions. However, from a theoretical point of view the model does not provide an elegant solution using neoclassical price mechanism into international trade theory.
This theory argues that the pattern of international trade is determined by differences in factors supporting. It predicts that countries will export goods that make intensive use of factors fulfillment needs and will import goods that will use locally scarce factors intensively. Ho empirical problems with the model, known as Pradoks Leotief, which opened in empirical tests by Wassily Leontief who found that the United States are more likely to export labor-intensive goods than having capital adequacy and so on.

Model David Ricardo
Theory of Comparative Advantage (Comparative Advantages) which describes the advantages komparafif measured in real cost reflecting labor costs.

Model J.S Mill
Demand Theory Behind Titnbal (Reciprocal Demand) is seeking a balance between the two goods exchange by the two countries to establish a baseline comparison pertukaranya or domestic exchange.

The view of Mercantilism
The mercantilism of a group which reflects the ideals and ideology as well as the commercial capital of the view of the political prosperity of the country exceeds individual prosperity.

The interest of the prosperity of the country can obtain stem from two different sources as follows.
1.) Stacking pearl metallic (gold) because the precious metal may strengthen the position of the state in economic development.
2.) Politics trade surplus is intended to support the value of exports over imports so that the trade balance surplus or active.

Specific Factors
In this model, labor mobility between industry and the other one is probably when capital does not move between industries in the short term. Specific factors refer to the specific provision that in the short-term factors of production, such as physical capital, are not easily transferable between industries. Mensugestikan theory if there is an increase in the price of an item, the owner of a specific production factors to the goods will be for the actual term. Additionally, owners of opposing specific factors of production (such as labor and capital) are likely to have opposite agendas when lobbying for controls over immigration of labor. Opposite relationship, both owners and workers profit for the financiers in fact form an improvement in capital adequacy. This model is ideal for particular industries. This model is suitable for understanding income distribution but not to determine the pattern of trade.

Gravity Model
Gravity model of trade presents a more empirical analysis of trading patterns rather than the more theoretical models above. Gravity model, in its basic form, trade guessed based on the distance between countries and the interaction between countries in the size of its economy. This model mimics the Newton's law of gravity which also takes into account the physical size and distance between the two objects. This model has proven to be robust empirically by econometric analysis. Other factors such as income level, diplomatic relations, and trade policies are also included in the larger version of this model.

Factors that Promote International Trade occurrence.

a. Prosperity for the realization of a society (the main driving factor).
b. Meet the needs (goods / services) that can not be produced domestically or through imports.
c. Disseminate and develop the use of technology for accelerated economic growth.
d. Acquire and develop the use of technology for accelerated economic growth.
e. Benefit generated by specialization.

Benefits of International Trade.
a. Increasing state revenues, it is intended by the increasing acceptance of common foreign exchange, foreign exchange is earned from exports (the main benefit).
b. Can meet the need of the goods / services can not know yet able to be produced domestically.
c. Streamlining the export and import of goods help needed domestic industry.
d. Increasing domestic industry.
e. Increase incomes.
f. Encourage the growth / development of the business world.
g. Encourage mutual economic relations.

Various International Trade.
a. Bilateral trade on: is trade on conducted between the two countries.
For example: trade conducted between Indonesia and Singapore.
b. Regional trade: the trade is done in a particular area.
For example: Trade in ASEAN.
c. Inter-regional trade: trade is conducted between a particular region with other regions.
For example: ASEAN and EEC.
Multilateral trading: trading that is done by many countries.